Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween in Hong Kong International

The Hong Kong airport smells like Chinese food, but I guess that's to be expected. Out the airport terminal window, layered hills rise like dragons' backs out of the water, shrouded in fog...or smog, I'm not sure which. In the past 24 hours, I've crossed twelve time zones and the international date line (I find this concept a bit mind-boggling...for instance, if you lived on the international date line, would you decide to live in the future or the past?), and slept very little and very sporadically. Miraculously, all ten of us managed to make the 5 am shuttle from Nassau Inn to JFK. I decided not to sleep after returning home from D-Bar after 2 am, and was happy for the decision when several classmates whom I'd also seen at the bar had to be roused from their beds by more responsible classmates. But now, after a 16-hour flight, I am tired. And when I log on to the free wireless, this is what I see on the Yahoo home page:

I feel like I am hallucinating. Happy Halloween. But I need to rally for an evening at the Water Puppet Theater in Hanoi. Asia's calling.