Saturday, August 1, 2009

U Wanna Motswana?

Yesterday, I learned the way into the hearts of Batswana everywhere--become one of them! All it takes is 250 pula to buy a beautiful traditional skirt in the Main Mall, and everyone thinks you are a Motswana! All day, people were speaking to me in Setswana (which, of course, I did not understand), and I got countless compliments--in the street, at the grocery store, in the office. It was a fitting way to wrap up my time in the office, since this coming week I will be headed to Kasane again to observe and assist in putting on a women's leadership training.

Our co-worker, Dorcas, organized a lovely little farewell party for Lauren and Ian and I. Gratitude for the internship experience and the work we'd done here was expressed by interns and UNDP employees alike. People in the office had chipped in to buy us presents--we got some awesome traditional leather shoes, which complimented my outfit nicely! Dorcas must be a genius at guessing shoe sizes, because they were a perfect fit.

So I will be sad to leave the office behind--it's been a great internship here in Gabs. But exciting travels are coming soon!

Pictures from the final week in the office...going out to lunch, our farewell party, pictures in the office (the wildlife painting does not seem quite appropriate for the UN), and a week later out on the town (the BDF officers' mess, Lizard Lounge):

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