Monday, July 13, 2009

Burning down the (UN) house

Last Monday afternoon I was writing a very long email in my Princeton account regarding a fellowship. Then all the computers shorted out. Princeton email doesn't save your drafts automatically. FML.

Then the fire alarm went off. We all got up to leave the building, but the card swiper that allows you to open the door to leave the office and go downstairs had also shorted out. Nobody seemed to know where the keys were, so we couldn't leave. One of my co-workers announced: "I've checked all the offices. There is no fire on this floor!" He didn't consider that there might be a fire on another floor. FML.

I considered busting down the door. I pondered the jump from a second-story window, but decided to wait until I smelled smoke. Eventually someone found the key. No one bothered taking attendance at the fire assembly point outside. The fire alarm culprit was an electrical fire on the first floor. We think it was from an overheated projector from a meeting that wrapped up 20 minutes earlier. The fire department came. TGISFHML (Thank Goodness I Still F#%&* Have My Life).

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