Sunday, September 6, 2009

Uber fun in Uberlingen, and Reunions: Part V

Jaime found me! Thank goodness for technology! I found an internet café after not being able to get ahold of her by phone, and a couple emails and a few facebook messages later, we met up in her small little German town on the Bodensee. Uberlingen! How glorious to have an internet connection again! And eat doner kebabs. And enjoy walks by the lake and farmer's markets and lazy Saturdays and cocktail bars with good company. We also went to the train station to buy tickets for our travels, and didn't decide when (or even entirely where) we wanted to travel until we were waiting in line at the Deutsche Bahn office. I wanted to visit an organization in Hanover on the 7th to discuss the possibility of a fellowship, and we had to be in Vienna before our flights left the 14th. And why not stop at Prague to break up the trip in between the two? Here we go…

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